Summer Deal!  

Do you want to enjoy the summer with a clean conscience? 

In other words, keep up your training despite that the sun is shining and the grill is lit! 

15% DIscount  on all PT packages valid until 30th June

Summer Open Hours: 
Weeks 25-29 Tues, wed & Thursdays
 9-14 & 17-20 

My Philosophy

My motto is that you should train because you love your body not because you hate it!

My name i Katalin Piros and I offer online coaching in both English and Swedish, as well as 1:1 coaching at JUST GYM in Trelleborg or my MICROGYM for women in Västra Alstad.  After having worked with thousands of clients since 2013 I discovered that whether ones goal is to loose weight or gain, many believe that " if I weight x kg then I will be happy". 

I believe that the focus ought to change from how you look to becoming stronger from the inside out. If  you eat mostly nutritious food in accordance to you kcal needs, train regularly, sleep enough, and focus on your mental health as well then you will become the best version of yourself.  It is the application of those habits , living a healthy lifestyle, that makes one happier!    

That training has many positive effects is no secret. However, what is not always obvious is what combination of exercises are best to attain your specific goals. With me as your coach, you skip the headache of sifting through the BS in the fitness industry and guessing your way forward. With me as your coach I have a birds eye view of your situation and provide a tailor made training program as well as guidance as to how you can optimize other areas of your life so that you can feel as good as possible, both mentally and physically. 


  • "Can really recommend Piros, very good at her job! Is a wonderful person who motivates and pushes you towards your goal. Don't hesitate to get in touch for a new start,  not only for training but your be stronger mentally as well!  - Susanne Surla 

  • " I have the best personal trainer there is. I have had many personal trainers in my active days so I have something to compare it with.  I like that the training is varied, strength training mixed with jump rope and boxing. She pushes me further than I would train on my own.  She shows me that I can do more than I think.   In addition, she is very focused during sessions and down to earth. Not a show off." - Angelica Lövkvist

  • " I want to tone my body and feel strong and felt I needed a supplement to my current training. I don't go to the gym myself and also wanted the inspiration and needed the knowledge to do the "right exercises" for me. In the past, I have had recurring pain in my back, which disappeared when I trained with PT Piros. The best part is that I feel fitter - the training has really paid off. Hire PT Piros if you want to get good coaching, well-selected exercises for you and find inspiration for your training!  - Hanna Mårtensson

  • "Piros is a nice, talented girl who knows what she's doing. Easy to talk to. Very accommodating and service-minded. " -Sandra Olsson