Katalin Piros 
Personal Trainer & Life Coach  

The coach stressed out women turn to when they want to find balance in life & get stronger mentally & physically with the help of strength training & a no BS attitude! 

Strong Woman Bootcamp

4990 SEK 
650 CAD 


  • Hybrid of 1:1 online coaching + group coaching  + facebook community

Online Coachning   

12 weeks          3 990 SEK             500 CAD  6 months         6 590 SEK              850 CAD 

1´ year             11 990 SEK           1550 CAD

VIP Online

45 min video call included every 4th week

12 weeks           6 390 SEK             820 CAD
6 months          11 090 SEk           1425 CAD
1 year               20 290 SEk          2600 CAD
  • Tailormade training program 
  • Nutrition coaching
  • Adjustments upon request 
  • Program available via Exorlive app
  • Weekly check-ins and feedback on your training journal. 
  • Send in your own films for concrete feedback on your form. 

PT Live 1:1   

          PRICES ARE IN SEK 

1 h                                                              800:-            

5 h                                                            3750:-            

10 h                                                          7000:-          

15 h                                                           9750:-          

25 h                                                       15 000:-                   

1 h  950:-                       950:- per hour 

  • Free consultation  
  • Tailormade training program 
  • Empathetic coaching with focus on the mind, body and soul. 

  • Training takes place at JUST GYM in Trelleborg
  • Alternatively: My womens only MICROGYM. Private gym in Alstad 

Let's get started! 

Fill in the contact form if online or live training interests you. I will reply within 24 hours to book a free consultation where we can get to know each other better.  
